On the Journey - September 2022

 Hello Fellow Journeyers,

The summer of 2022 is coming to a close and I have been experiencing an intense reading slump for the better part of this year! It's lasted nearly four months. Whether it was because of the amount going on or just being unable to get invested in a book, I have only finished one book since the beginning of June, while July and August were completely absent of reading entirely. 😑 While I'm disappointed with this, I'm ready to get back into it this month.

What's on the radar:

Bonds of Chaos is the third book in the Threadlight trilogy. After an explosive and shocking ending to Stones of Light, I have been anticipating this release for months. It promises the wrapping up of a trilogy that has been fast, hard-hitting and just plain fun. Zack Argyle has officially won me over in this series and I will be eagerly seeing what he will continue to do after this book. 

The First Binding is another title that I've been eagerly awaiting for months even though it is the first book of a series. I stumbled upon it several months back before it was released but only started reading it after the audiobook release. I've heard comparisons to The Name of the Wind, which I was not able to get into despite a huge following and immense love for the unfinished series. The First Binding is an epic that is told by a less than reliable storyteller and his grand adventures.

What looks promising:

Flames of Mira by Clay Harmon was presented to me as similar to Red Rising in its format of storytelling: first person POV, interesting characters and world, and strong emotion. That's about all you need to know in my book. I have not had the chance to get into it just yet, but I am anticipating what's to come in this one.

What I'm most excited about:

Flamefall by Rosaria Munda is a sequel to Munda's debut novel, Fireborne. Fireborne really surprised me with its ability to capture the teenage mentality without it being redundantly similar to other YA stories, immature, or overly dramatic. It's a fairly complicated story for a YA book and has a lot going on for also being simply told. Flamefall promises to be a rich and exciting sequel with equally poignant proportions.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power on Prime Video has officially begun and I'm thrilled to see what this series will be. I've watched the first two episodes and posted my reaction earlier this week. I'm still unsure how I want to endeavor to process this show but it won't be a typical review format like most others things I do on this blog.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for future updates and reviews!