"Golden Son" Review - The Epitome of what a Sequel Should Be

Hello Fellow Journeyers,

Golden Son is the second book in the original Red Rising trilogy. It's the follow up to Red Rising. Let's begin!

What's the story about: Golden Son picks up several years after Red Rising. Darrow is left not knowing where and when Ares will use him next and that's about all that should be mentioned plot-wise. 

Many consider Golden Son to be the best in the trilogy, but I have a hard time ranking any one of these books higher than the other two. What makes Golden Son so good, is that it isn't a middling chapter by any means. Brown weaves a masterfully epic saga in the second chapter that is equal to the first and last. Red Rising is an amazing introduction into the world, the head of Darrow, and stakes of what's to come. Golden Son feels like the bigger, better older brother that comes in to prove that shit is going to go down. And it goes down hard in this one.

What continues to be amazing about this story is that it never refuses to surprise in the best and worst ways. While I may not think this is the "best" book in the series, it does have the hardest and most impactful first half of any of the books that is almost inconceivably good. At every moment, you're caught wondering what is going to happen and how in the world Darrow may succeed; as is the case with many stories, he fails much more than he succeeds in this second entry. He is reckless, makes honest and horrible sacrifices, and one lasting betrayal that is still the hardest to come to terms with as part of this series I think. 

Besides all the action that takes place, we're introduced to more amazing characters in Lorn au Arcos, an amazing mentor, Victra au Julii, who's riveting dialogue is always welcome, and Ragnar effing Volarus, who somehow filled the void of Pax and also delineates his own path to becoming one of the best characters in the series. Tactus redeems himself to the point of becoming a really likeable character, which was quite a feat from how much I despised him in Red RisingGolden Son really excels in being an amazing sophomoric effort on Pierce Brown's part.

★★★★★ 5 Golden Stars - Golden Son takes everything from Red Rising and adds to it with more adult themes, gripping action, captivating characters, and a lot of intrigue. The end even rivals the twist gravitas of Empire Strikes Back. When it comes to dramatic sci-fi epics in space, this is as good as it gets and doesn't hold back! Definitely Essential Reading!

Let me hear from you! If you like what you read, want to hear more thoughts on this book, other reviews, or talk book recommendations and Essential Reading, leave a comment below.

Rating system:

★★★★★ 5 Stars: It was amazing; I loved it. Read this book; it is definitely Essential Reading!

★★★★★* 4.5 Stars: It was nearly perfect. I really loved almost every aspect of it, but a few things kept it from being amazing.

★★★★ 4 Stars: It was very worth reading and satisfying; highly recommend.

★★★★* 3.5 Stars: I thoroughly enjoyed this story, but it was lacking in certain crucial areas.

★★★ 3 Stars: It was good, but could've been better or improved upon significantly.

★★★* 2.5 Stars: I wanted to enjoy it. Certain aspects were good, it was worth finishing, but many issues.

★★ 2 Stars:  It was okay, I didn't feel strongly about it.

★ 1 Star: I did not like it. It was not worth finishing or I did not finish it.

*I round up based on the system on Goodreads. Also, there is no 1.5 Stars because it does not seem to have enough differentiation.