"The Bard's Blade" Review - Soft and Comfy Fantasy that Just Works

Hello Fellow Journeyers,

We find ourselves exploring a fantasy tale from author Brian D. Anderson in The Sorcerer's Song trilogy, The Bard's Blade. I didn't know much about this book before seeing it on Goodreads, but I'm glad I did. The cover, the title, and the summary immediately got my attention for some reason and I had to explore this one. As is common for me, I read it while listening to the audiobook.

What's the story about: The Bard's Blade is another pretty standard fantasy tale, but with cliché-breaking ideas. Instead of a farm boy in a peaceful setting, we find two young people fighting for love and going on a quest to save those closest to them. This is literally a magic-induced land of tranquil living, but all is not well and a quest ensues. It's refreshing and renewed and the journey is full of peril, drama, and moral choices of lasting effect.

The very first thing I noticed about this story was how quickly the plot got going even though the initial setting was only developed a little. I really liked this. I love it when a plot gets incited early on even when there is much world-building to do and information to reveal. It feels more natural and got me hooked by the end of chapter one. The next thing I noticed was something that other people have mentioned, that it reads very easy and comfortable. There are a lot of authors who are good at this style of writing, but it's just as important to instill intrigue and suspense equally with comfy writing; luckily, Anderson balances both well from the beginning. With the plot going as early as chapter two, Anderson makes sure to get the reader invested early into the characters you'll meet along the journey and truly, I liked them very quickly. There were only three real characters by the time the journey begins, but I was invested in their arcs completely.

The next area of note is how specifically and intentionally the way the author's writing stuck out to me. Anderson's words read simply, but everything seemed like it was purposeful and intentional in its place: from the descriptions to the dialogue, to the scenes and world building, it all seemed to flow and fit together in a tapestry that makes you forget you're reading and just ride along with the story. It was a treat to experience when many author's just write settings or descriptions because they have to. You can really take in the energy of the world when you read each scene and situation. It was splendid and comfortable in the best of ways. It had been awhile since I've truly felt swept up in a story, and this book did just that.

Lastly, the moral dilemmas. I'm not sure the last time I read a book that posed so many situations where characters must choose from an assortment of bad choices when it comes to decision-making. The author crafts these situations wholly naturally and organically within the story that makes every situation as dire (emotionally) as possible that intrigue is never lost and there is a constant pull on what's to come. This was incredible and entertaining to no end because it caused me as the reader to think and wonder and struggle alongside the characters equally. I think the greatest tool an author can employ is crafting a narrative that allows the readers to ponder and consider what's going on long after they're finished; and The Bard's Blade does this elegantly and skillfully.

★★★ 5 Stars - The Bard's Blade is an unexpected delight of a book. It honestly took me by complete surprise and I loved it for that. In some ways, it's "classic fantasy," but with a completely modern and intuitive storytelling dynamic that makes it fresh and approachable for any reader, not just fantasy genre aficionados. It has utterly endearing characters to root for, a plot that is simple, yet engaging, moral dilemmas that are realistic and raw, and it's written with poise and ease that makes it much better than just another comfort read. Anderson has written a stupendous tale of loss, regret, love, and doing whatever it takes. Highly recommend this tale! It is definitely Essential Reading.

Let me hear from you! If you like what you read, want to hear more thoughts on this book, other reviews, or talk book recommendations and Essential Reading, leave a comment below.

Rating system:

★★★★★ 5 Stars: It was amazing; I loved it. Read this book; it is definitely Essential Reading!

★★★★★* 4.5 Stars: It was nearly perfect. I really loved almost every aspect of it, but a few things kept it from being amazing.

★★★★ 4 Stars: It was very worth reading and satisfying; highly recommend.

★★★★* 3.5 Stars: I thoroughly enjoyed this story, but it was lacking in certain crucial areas.

★★★ 3 Stars: It was good, but could've been better or improved upon significantly.

★★★* 2.5 Stars: I wanted to enjoy it. Certain aspects were good, it was worth finishing, but many issues.

★★ 2 Stars:  It was okay, I didn't feel strongly about it.

★★* 1.5 Stars: I finished it, but it was a chore to get through.

★ 1 Star: I did not like it. It was not worth finishing or I did not finish it.

*I round up based on the system on Goodreads.