On the Journey - December 2021

 Hello Fellow Journeyers,

I'm beginning a new set of posts that will further document the Journey of Finding the Best Books by providing additional material for people to read about if the reviews are too few and far between. Beginning with this post, On the Journey posts will document where I am in reading books and what I think of them so far. So let's start!

What I'm currently reading: Empire of Silence and Queen of Sorcery. I'm currently 66% of the way through Empire and 21% of the way through Queen.

Thoughts so far:

Empire of Silence is very, very good. While it started to get a little tedious around the 40-60% mark, it is still a remarkably ambitious read and has a lot going for it. It had one of the strongest first parts I've read in recent memory and the middle being slower does not take away from the overall strength of this epic. And it is an epic. While I do think part of it suffers under the weight of a little too grandiose of a plot it wants to tell too early on, it's a worthy read.

Queen of Sorcery is just as good as the first book in The Belgariad, Pawn of Prophecy. It is splendidly campy for the fantasy genre and is surprising in many ways that I continually find myself glued to what is going on, even if nothing in the overall plot is really that out of the standard fair of classic fantasy. For this reason I think it's worth reading and worth diving deeper into.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for future updates and reviews!