"The Tombs of Atuan" Review (Earthsea Cycle) - Different Take on a Second Book

Hello Fellow Journeyers,

The Tombs of Atuan was an unexpected second book after the amazing Wizard of Earthsea. Since Le Guin is very fond of flippng the fantasy genre on its head, she makes the unexpected move of making this story about a girl that encounters the famous wizard Ged years after A Wizard of Earthsea.

What's the story about:
 The Tombs of Atuan follows a young girl in service to gods that she is part prisoner to, part priestess to. Eventually, she discovers a need to escape and finds help from an unlikely wizard who helps her in her freedom.

Upon reading this story the first time, I was unhappy, unimpressed, and felt cheated. I wanted to learn more about Ged's grand adventures as a wizard. I was too brainwashed from heroic and epic fantasy to think that there is more to some stories than their bombastic action. Upon reading it a second time, I learned that Le Guin always has something worth saying in her stories, and I should trust that it's worth it, and it is worth it. 

The Tombs of Atuan is a gripping story about a girl in bondage to a people who see her as a goddess, and she herself is not so sure. Without spoiling it, the imagery, symbolism, and character arcs are phenomenal as expected. That being said, it really only gets very good after Ged arrives on the scene. It's not because he's the superior character, but his arrival causes much needed tension and stakes. Before then, not much else happens besides setting up the plot and giving background to how trapped, caged, and imprisoned Tenar is.

That being said, only Le Guin can write something as poignant, endearing, and warm as the second half of the book. As their relationship between young adult and wise mentor blossoms, it's beautiful and wonderful to witness and the ending is sweet and invigorating to finish.

★★★★ 4 Stars - While the first half of the book is a little slow and the characters are not as enthralling compared to Wizard of Earthsea, the second half of the book more than makes up for it and the patience pays off. This sequel is still Essential Reading as part of the magnificent Earthsea saga.

Let me hear from you! If you like what you read, want to hear more thoughts on this book, other reviews, or talk book recommendations and Essential Reading, leave a comment below.

Rating system:

★★★★★ 5 Stars: It was amazing; I loved it. Read this book; it is definitely Essential Reading!

★★★★★4.5 Stars: It was fantastic, I really loved almost every aspect of it.

★★★★ 4 Stars: It was very good and worth reading; highly recommend.

★★★★3.5 Stars: I enjoyed a lot of aspects of this story, but it was lacking in certain areas.

★★★ 3 Stars: It was good, but could've been better or improved upon significantly.

★★★2.5 Stars: I wanted to enjoy it. Certain aspects were good, it was worth finishing, but many issues.

★★ 2 Stars:  It was okay, I didn't feel strongly about it.

 1 Star: I did not like it. It was not worth finishing or I did not finish it.

*I round up based on the system on Goodreads. Also, there is no 1.5 Stars because it does not seem to have enough differentiation.